Ideally, the Golden Reference test form should combine objective as well as subjective elements. Sometimes it's easier for evaluation if they are kept separate on the press form as in the sample above. Here are some suggestions for test elements you may want to include (click on image to enlarge).

Remember to make sure that, as much as possible, inline ink usage conflicts and/or influences should be avoided. Also remember that a test form like this should be run "to the numbers" - no proof should be anywhere near the press that runs it. The press operator should be instructed to achieve, as much as possible, the correct solid ink densities across the sheet and not try to make the images look "nice."
A - Standard color bar including targets for CMYK solid ink density, RGB trap, dot gain
B - Background 25C, 18M, 18Y gray with 25 K checkerboard. The primary function is to even out ink usage on press. Can also be used to check across the plate imaging consistency.
C - Solid bars of CMYK in line with the press sheet direction of travel to test solid ink density evenness around the cylinder.
D - Your standard profiling target.
E - CMYK step wedges used for building dot gain curves and ink performance curves.
F - Industry standard target.
G, H, I - Gray balance ring-around targets used to determine whether gray balance is being achieved at the required tone value combinations.
J - Gray balance targets.
K - Industry standard images.
L - Your standard images separated according to your specifications.
M - Image resolution test. The same image is sampled at 100, 200, 300, 400, 600 dpi to show minimum image resolution required for quality reproduction at your halftone line screen frequency. Also useful when changing screening type and/or frequency (lpi).
N - Max black/total area(ink) coverage target. Used to determine maximum TAC.
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