In an FM screen each dot is formed in a halftone cell, typically based on a grid of 16 by 16 pixels. The pixels within the cell are "turned on" in pseudo random fashion in order to form the FM dot shape or tone area. The cells are then stitched together, like a mosaic, in order to form an area of dots or tone area.
On the left (enlarged) is a single halftone 16x16 pixel cell with several pixels turned on. On the right (reduced) is a tone area defined by a mosaic of sixteen individual 16x16 halftone cells.

Following are some basic FM screening dot shapes/patterns and their performance characteristics in use.
Click on the images to enlarge.
First Order FM: Dots are all the same size

Issues:Grainy as well as mottled looking flat tone areas, small dots are more difficult to image consistently on plate and hold on press. Because the issues usually outweigh the benefits, this FM dot pattern is seldom used today except for specialized work.
Second Order FM (a.k.a. Hybrid FM): Dots grow in the tone scale

Benefits:Depending on the specific vendor's implementation, graininess in flat tone areas is eliminated.
Issues:Thin one or two pixel wide worm features, as in the first example, may demand higher resolution plates, and/or imaging in order to maintain consistency. Dots shapes, as in the second example, may cause a propensity for shadows to plug on press.
Second Order directional FM: Dots grow directionally in the tone scale

Benefits:Eliminates secondary patterns when process colors overprint.
Issues:Directionality of the dot shape can exaggerate directional issues, such as slur and doubling, on press.
Nasty FM: Dots are plain ugly

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